A quick way to create and classify texts for your machine learning Text Classifier Model, Texty+ helps you rapidly construct and export directly to CreateML format

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<aside> πŸ‘¨πŸ½β€πŸ’» High School Student, Prospective Engineer, Computer Enthusiast

Meet the Developer:

Hey there, my name is Rohan Patel, I’m a high school student from Paris, France. I’ve been working on a custom ML-empowered productivity app with a release planned in the next few months, and Texty+ was one of many tools I developed to help me manage my machine learning models and the workflow of creating data and training it. I hope you enjoy the app!

β‡’ Roro

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<aside> πŸ‘‰πŸ½ **Empower your Create ML workflow with our essential developer tool designed for efficient text classifier data modeling. Seamlessly manage multiple classifiers, optimizing your dataset for precise model training.

With intuitive data manipulation features, effortlessly categorize user queries into 'support,' 'feedback,' and more, perfect for crafting advanced chatbots. Export your curated data to JSON files, seamlessly integrating with Create ML for rapid model development.

Whether you're tackling sentiment analysis or building a multilingual chatbot, our app streamlines the process, making complex tasks a breeze. Elevate your Create ML projects today!**



Texty+ Tidbits

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Texty+ App enabled you to model training data for CreateML Text Classifiers in a seamless experience that maximizes workflow efficiency and utility.

Texty+ App enabled you to model training data for CreateML Text Classifiers in a seamless experience that maximizes workflow efficiency and utility.

Model Description Editor

Model Description Editor